Weather you need service on your Atec, Master Pitching Machine, Juggs, or the complex ProBatter Pitching Machines our trained technicians can get the job done for you. For pricing please check our Pricing Page.

Pitching Machine Service and Resale, Inc. is one of the oldest Pitching Machine Service companies in the United States. Formed in 1990 through the merger of Connecticut Service and Connectciut Sales Plus, PMSR can trace its roots back to 1986. PMSR has become the a leading Pitching Machine and Service manufacturers' representative agency through innovation and progressive selling strategies. The outside sales team has over 150 years experience combined in the baseball batting cage and pitching machine market. 
  • To facilitate all aspects of interchange between our principal vendors and our wholesale customers.

  • To provide service and disseminate information to industry contractors.

  • To present ourselves in a highly professional manner that reflects the quality of the vendors we represent.

  • To add value to our sales efforts by offering our customers the highest level of technical expertise and design assistance.

  • To service our wholesale customers and our vendors in the spirit of cooperation and trust that results in long lasting, profitable relationships.